Lugano bin
stylish, space-efficient and handy

Lugano Bin Slides Onto Your Desk

Lugano bin
stylish, space-efficient and handy


Tossing bunched up papers with a smooth curve into the bin can be playful break from boring office work. Paper ball throwing games may even lead to competitive behavior in some corporate settings. Which is why the ‘bin toss king’ of the office may not like this new waste paper bin.

Lugano Bin has its advantages too. No more mess on the floor or your desk. Papers can be discarded with a simple sliding move. (when hanging on the desk there’s a recess allowing paper to pass through.

The Lugano waste paper bin slides onto your desk like an attachment is a great addition to your office, whether it be in an office building or at home.

Lugano waste paper bin by Prodotti is a typical example of “design is how it works”. You slide this bin onto your desk, haul it effortlessly and it looks awesome too.

The unique, modular style fits in with just about any office decor. It has that clean, modern look that most people probably wouldn’t know at first glance that it was a trash bin. A bin like this you simply don’t want to hide under your desk.

There are a few things that make the Lugano stand out among other office trash bins.

  • It has an unique slot that allows you to hang the Lugano on the end of your desk. Just slip it on end of your desk and it is within easy reach to throw trash away when needed.
  • The interesting thing is because of this slot and the fact it slides onto your desk, it really doesn’t stick out much, so it’s a real space saver in tight quarters.
  • It’s sturdy, unlike those cheap, plastic bins and the open slot gives you a place to get the perfect grip when you need to empty the bin.
design bin by Prodotti
design bin by Prodotti


With it’s modern look it can easily fit in with any modern office decor and sit atop your desk near the corner or if you prefer the more traditional location, under your desk.

The modern look isn’t the only standout feature of the Lugano, the Lugano is actually made of steel instead of plastic, so it will last a lot longer than your standard, cheap, plastic office trash bin.

  • The Lugano comes in two different sizes to fit your needs and space limitations. The largest one is 8.5 x 8.5 x 13.7 inches.
  • It also comes in six colors, so if white isn’t your favorite choice you can also choose from black, grey, green, yellow or blue. With all of the color choices it is very easily to fit the Lugano to your office decor.

The Lugano is the perfect bin to pick up for someone who is starting their new office or even for someone who is redecorating their office. The modern look will fit just about any decor and it is a space saver when needed.

More info at Archi Products.